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Kelvinator GR8! Women Awards 2007

Others | Apr 1, 2007

ohini Nilekani started as a writer. She worked as a journalist for several years writing for many for leading publications such as Sunday and India Today. Her first novel, a medical thriller called STILLBORN was published by Penguin Books.
She is Founder-Chairperson, Pratham Books, a non-profit publishing house set up to create high quality, low cost books for children. Since 2004, Pratham Books has published 150 new titles and distributed 2.5 million books in ten Indian languages, mostly to underserved children across the country.
For the past eight years, however, Rohini Nilekani has been actively involved with several non-profit organizations. As a committed philanthropist, she funds projects focussed in the areas of water, education, health, ecology, microfinance etc.

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